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Select the radio that you want to listen to him by clicking on the picture or its logo, to show you the following:
Logo represents the image of the radio
Urges the logo directly find the name of the radio if we have information about the radio you can click on the name of the radio broadcasting to move to a page with general information about the radio
You will also find the following:
Click when you want to listen to the radio page of isolated
Click when you want to listen to the radio by Flash Player
Click it when you want to listen to the radio by Windows Media Player
Click it when you want to listen to the radio by Real Player

desktop : Click it when you want to listen to the radio by media player from the desktop
Embed : Click when you want to get the code for Multimedia player to be included in the page html example
pls : Click when you want to create a file extension pls that can be played with vlc, winamp ...

chat When clicked, opens a window with a range of options are as follows:
Live Stream: an easy way you can add your posts by Facebook
twitter: This a nice way to let you enter a word to get all the twitter posts that contain the word, for example, by default we put the word "AlJazeera English" will show you all the posts on the "AlJazeera English"
Google Friend: enables you know new friends and share information
chat: A means of communication Between site visitors
on This window you will find also a set of icons, including
refreshClick when you want to refresh one of the previous options
Click when you want to put this window in place a limited on the right of the page
Click when you want to hide window the above options without closing those options and you'll see a green dot on the chat icon
Click, zoom window or to be returned to first size
closeclose window

other Click when you want to move to other radio stations of different countries and groups ...

HelpClick when you want to go to this page for help you

What you need ... Generally can be shortened the following properties:
Must be connected to the internet modem minimum of 28.8 Kbps, Must be a group of programs, or at least two of these programs, including:
Download Adobe Flash Player
Download Windows Media Player Important
Download Real Player Important
Download Winamp Player

Must also be available on the Web browser do you have a new version or of promotion, I encourage you to use at least one of the following browsers:
Internet Explorer

It can also be a need to Plugin to Some web browsers in order to show the reader your Company views for MS you can download it from here:
Download the Windows Media Player Firefox Plugin
For more information about this topic you can see the following:
Web page display problems (operating system Windows): Windows Media Player and chrome
Windows Media Player and Firfoxe
plugin - Opera - Windows Media Player

You can see these articles for firefox -- Articles in category - Plugins .

If you are using Mac OS version 10.4 or later you can use the following program to read files microsoft:

Can be caused by lack of operation of the radio or interruption of the continuous profile:

The large number of users who listen to the radio at the same time

the speed of your connection access the Internet

It can also be caused by weakness of the properties of the server that has the radio

It was also slow your computer because multiple applications open at one time, for example cause the interruption

The presence of viruses

the firewall

It should be noted that the cable modem or DSL is best to listen to the radio well.

Crash plugin؟

What is Plugins?
A plugin is a piece of software that displays internet content that Firefox is not designed to display. These usually include video, audio, online games and presentations that are made in patented formats. Plugins are created and distributed by the companies that make those patented formats. Some common plugins are Adobe Flash, Apple QuickTime, and Microsoft Silverlight.

What is a crash?
A crash happens when a piece of software abruptly stops working. Plugins sometimes crash and cause Firefox to crash along with it. For more information about Firefox crashes, see Firefox crashes. Starting in Firefox 3.6.4 some plugins load separately from Firefox, allowing Firefox to stay open if the plugin crashes.

How do I keep plugins from crashing?
Many problems with plugins can be solved by updating to the latest version of the plugin. To check if any of your installed plugins are out of date, visit the Mozilla Plugin Check page . The name of the plugin that crashed can be found in the error message.

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