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Fox News Radio

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In 2003, Fox News began syndicating one minute radio updates to radio stations via syndication service Westwood One. On June 1, 2005, Fox News Radio employed 60 people and provided five minute newscasts at the top of the hour and a one minute newscast at the bottom of the hour. At its launch, 60 stations participated in the network, with more joining under a deal struck between Fox and Clear Channel Communications. This allowed many Clear Channel stations to carry Fox News Radio newscasts and allowed Fox News Radio to use and nationally distribute news content produced by Clear Channel.

Fox also produces Fox News Talk for both satellite radio services, with talk radio programs syndicated by and featuring Fox News personalities.


The network also provides around-the-clock newscasts on the hour and on the half-hour. Depending on a station''s affiliation, they either receive a five-minute newscast or a one-minute newscast. Breaking news reports (dubbed Fox News Alerts), correspondent and expert interview availabilities, special broadcasts marking historic or newsworthy events, anchored "as-it-happens" coverage, and clean feeds of news events complete the affiliate service package. Affiliates also have access to a web site with a constantly updating selection of newsmaker audio and correspondent reports.

Newscasts are regularly anchored by Dave Anthony, Lisa Brady, Ron Flatter, Jane Metzler, Chris Stanley, Bill Vitka, Lisa Lacerra, Karyn Regal, Chris Foster, Steve Rappaport, and Sal Giangrasso, with Shepherd Smith at 5PM ET during weekdays. Correspondents include Todd Starnes, Jeff Monosso and Kirstin McNary (based in New York); in Washington, Mike Majchrowitz (White House), Rich Johnson and Jared Halpern; in Los Angeles, Jessica Rosenthal and Sabrina Sabbagh. Jennifer Keiper reports from Chicago. Eben Brown reports from Miami. Alastair Wanklyn in London, Courtney Kealy in Jerusalem, Lesley Yeomans in Melbourne and James Blears in Mexico City serve as foreign correspondents.
by wikipedia

The official site of Radio : Fox News Radio


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